323 research outputs found

    Disentangling accretion disk and dust emissions in the infrared spectrum of type 1 AGN

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    We use a semi-empirical model to reproduce the 0.1-10um spectral energy distribution (SED) of a sample of 85 luminous quasars. In the model, the continuum emission from the accretion disk as well as the nebular lines are represented by a single empirical template (disk), where differences in the optical spectral index are reproduced by varying the amount of extinction. The near- and mid-infrared emission of the AGN-heated dust is modelled as the combination of two black-bodies (dust). The model fitting shows that the disk and dust components are remarkably uniform among individual quasars, with differences in the observed SED largely accounted for by varying levels of obscuration in the disk as well as differences in the relative luminosity of the disk and dust components. By combining the disk-subtracted SEDs of the 85 quasars, we generate a template for the 1-10um emission of the AGN-heated dust. Additionally, we use a sample of local Seyfert 1 galaxies with full spectroscopic coverage in the 0.37um to 39um range to demonstrate a method for stitching together spectral segments obtained with different PSF and extraction apertures. We show that the disk and dust templates obtained from luminous quasars also reproduce the optical-to-mid-infrared spectra of local Seyfert 1s when the contribution from the host galaxy is properly subtracted.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Research Topic "Quasars at all cosmic epochs"; proceedings of the conference "Quasars at all cosmic epochs", held in Padova, April 2-7, 201

    Estudio del manejo del dolor y sedación en pacientes con diagnóstico de invaginación intestinal en un servicio de Urgencias Pediátrico.

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    [ES]Introducción: La invaginación intestinal consiste en la introducción o deslizamiento de un segmento intestinal dentro de otra porción inmediatamente distal al mismo, provocando obstrucción y sufrimiento de la pared intestinal. Lo más frecuente es que se trate de una invaginación ileocólica idiopática. La clínica más común incluye dolor abdominal tipo cólico, sintomatología vagal y vómitos, aunque existe una triada clásica que asocia el dolor abdominal con los vómitos y la rectorragia. Para el diagnóstico la prueba de elección es la ecografía. Antes de proceder al tratamiento de la invaginación, es esencial el control del dolor mediante el uso de analgesia intravenosa, preferentemente con opioides. El tratamiento más empleado para la reducción de la invaginación intestinal ileocólica no complicada es la reducción con enema hidrostático o neumático. Se deberá administrar analgesia intravenosa previo a la reducción con enema, si no se ha administrado antes o se optimizará durante el procedimiento si hay presencia de signos de dolor. Además, se valorará el uso de sedación durante el procedimiento. En los casos complicados o crónicos, con causa secundaria conocida o en los que el tratamiento conservador no ha sido efectivo, está indicada la cirugía. El riesgo de recidiva de la invaginación es mayor durante las primeras 24-48 horas, por lo que existe una falta de consenso sobre el tiempo necesario posterior de observación hospitalaria. // Objetivos: El objetivo principal es describir la utilización de analgesia y sedación en niños diagnosticados de invaginación intestinal en un Servicio de Urgencias Pediátrico. Como objetivo secundario, planteamos la descripción de las características clínico epidemiológicas de los pacientes diagnosticados de invaginación intestinal en un Servicio de Urgencias Pediátrico. // Pacientes y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de los niños que consultaron por invaginación intestinal en el servicio de urgencias de pediatría desde el año 2014 al 2019. Se analizaron los datos clínico-epidemiológicos generales del total de niños que consultaron por invaginación intestinal y se estudió la adherencia al protocolo de dichos casos. Los datos se extrajeron de las bases de datos y aplicaciones informáticas que recoge las historias electrónicas de nuestra organización sanitaria: Osabide Global y Clinic. La variable principal fue el número de niños a los que se les administró analgesia y sedación durante el proceso de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la invaginación intestinal. // Resultados: Durante los seis años (2014-2019) analizados en este estudio, se atendieron en nuestro Servicio de Urgencias 109 niños con el diagnóstico de invaginación intestinal. Para intentar identificar posibles cambios en el manejo de la invaginación intestinal en los últimos años, se dividió la muestra en dos periodos, siendo el primer periodo los tres primeros años (2014, 2015 y 2016) y el segundo periodo los tres últimos (2017, 2018 y 2019). La edad media de los pacientes atendidos fue de 25,98 meses. Se diagnosticó de invaginación intestinal a 72 niños varones y a 37 niñas. En cuanto a la clínica, 85 pacientes presentaron dolor abdominal tipo cólico con encogimiento de piernas, 45 sintomatología vagal y 72 vómitos. Tan sólo 8 pacientes presentaron rectorragia. El tiempo desde el inicio de los síntomas y la consulta en urgencias fue mayor en los pacientes que presentaron rectorragia (p<0,01) y menor en los que consultaron por síntomas vagales (p<0,05). La edad media de los pacientes que consultaron por dolor abdominal fue mayor que la de los que presentaron otros síntomas (p<0,01). Durante la estabilización de los pacientes en Urgencias, se utilizó analgesia en 65 (59,6%) niños, optándose por los opioides en 31 niños y por metamizol en 22. A todos los pacientes se les realizó una ecografía abdominal en Urgencias para el diagnóstico, objetivándose una invaginación ileocólica no complicada en 85 (78%) niños. En cuanto al tratamiento, se intentó la reducción con enema en un total de 75 pacientes, siendo ésta un éxito en 68 (62,4%). Precisaron de intervención quirúrgica un total de 17 pacientes (15,6%). En los niños en los que se realizó una reducción de la invaginación con enema, se utilizó analgesia en el procedimiento en 63 (57,8%) niños, optándose por el uso de opioides en 60 (55%). Se utilizó sedación durante el procedimiento en 13 pacientes (11,9%), mediante el uso de midazolam IV o IN. Se observó un descenso en el uso de opioides entre los dos periodos de tiempo estudiados con una (p<0,001). El tiempo medio de estancia en urgencias fue 403,39 minutos (6,72 horas), mostrando un aumento de tiempo significativo entre ambos periodos de estudio (p<0,01). Un total de 82 pacientes fueron hospitalizados y 16 niños (14,7%) reconsultaron por un nuevo episodio de invaginación intestinal. Se observó un número de hospitalizaciones significativamente menor durante el segundo periodo del estudio (p<0,001). // Conclusión: El presente estudio muestra que las características clínico epidemiológicas de los casos diagnosticados de invaginación intestinal en nuestro servicio son similares a las encontradas en estudios previos. Atendiendo a los casos diagnosticados de invaginación intestinal, se observó que la rectorragia se trata de un síntoma tardío, siendo poco frecuente en nuestro entorno sanitario y la sintomatología vagal en cambio, es un síntoma más precoz, siendo más frecuente en los niños más pequeños. En cuanto a la utilización de la analgesia y sedación en el manejo y tratamiento de la invaginación intestinal, lo encontrado en nuestro estudio muestra similitudes con lo referido en la literatura. Además, este estudio demuestra que el manejo ambulatorio de estos pacientes tras la reducción con enema es posible y seguro

    Hunting management in relation to profitability aims: red-legged partridge hunting in central Spain

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    22 páginas, 3 tablas, 2 figuras.Game management is widely implemented in Spain, affecting more than 70 % of land cover. Management intensity may be linked to the financial aims of hunting estates, but no study of these aspects has been developed in Spain, where commercial hunting is common. Through interviews with game managers and field surveys, we quantified physical and economic traits, management techniques and hunting methods in a sample of 59 small game hunting estates located in south-central Spain (where Red-legged partridge hunting has the highest socio-economic importance in the country). We compared non-commercial estates (aimed for leisure, managed mainly by local hunting societies) and commercial estates (aimed at financial benefit); among the latter, we also assessed “intensive” estates (a special category of commercial estates licensed to release farm-reared partridges without temporal or numerical limits throughout the hunting season). Commercial estates had more intensive management, including more and larger partridge releases, higher density of supplementary feeders and more intensive predator control. Thus, any positive or negative effects on biodiversity of these management techniques would be higher in commercial than in non-commercial estates. Commercial estates also retained more natural vegetation, which may help to enhance the landscape and biodiversity value of farmland in central Spain. On the other hand, differences in management and hunting styles were most marked between intensive and other type of estates (both commercial and non-commercial); this indicates that intensive estates are qualitatively different from other small game estates, both ecologically (hunting based on releases and driven shooting) and economically (higher inputs and outputs). It would be desirable to find ways to quantify the environmental or social costs and benefits of different management techniques, and integrate them in the economics of hunting estates.This work was supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development through project HUNT (212160, FP7-ENV-2007-1), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (CGL2008-04282/BOS) and the Consejería de Agricultura of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM). Additionally, this paper uses partial data from a project funded by the Fundación Fauna y Flora. S. Diaz-Fernandez had a predoctoral grant jointly financed by the European Social Fund and by JCCM, in the framework of the Operational Programme PRINCET 2005-2010. M. Delibes-Mateos is currently holding a Juan de la Cierva research contract awarded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the European Social Fund. We thank all game managers for their collaboration, and ADEMAC and the Asociación de cotos de caza menor Sierra de Alcaraz-Campo de Montiel for facilitating this collaboration with game managers. We thank Steve Redpath, Mick Marquiss, Justin Irvine and two anonymous referees for useful comments on the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Evidence for a large fraction of Compton-thick quasars at high redshift

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    Using mid-infrared and radio selection criteria, we pre-select a sample of candidate high-redshift type-2 quasars in the Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Field (SXDF). To filter out starburst contaminants, we use a bayesian method to fit the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) between 24-microns and B-band, obtain photometric redshifts, and identify the best candidates for high-z type-2 quasars. This leaves us with 12 z_phot >= 1.7 type-2 quasar candidates in an area ~0.8 deg^2, of which only two have secure X-ray detections. The two detected sources have estimated column densities N_H~2 & 3x10^27 m^-2, i.e. heavily obscured but Compton-thin quasars. Given the large bolometric luminosities and redshifts of the undetected objects, the lack of X-ray detections suggests extreme absorbing columns N_H >= 10^28 m^-2 are typical. We have found evidence for a population of ``Compton-thick'' high-redshift type-2 quasars, at least comparable to, and probably larger than the type-1 quasar population, although spectroscopic confirmation of their AGN nature is important.Comment: 6 pages, 2 colour figures. Accepted by MNRAS. Full resolution version and supplementary figures can be found at: http://www.mpia.de/homes/martinez/publications.htm

    The role of economic and social factors driving predator control in central Spain

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    14 páginas, 3 figuras, 3 tablas.One of the most important human-wildlife conflicts in the world is that where predators are involved. Predators may compete with us for the same resources, such as game species. As a consequence, predators have been frequently controlled by game managers, which has negatively affected many predator populations worldwide. The understanding of human-wildlife conflicts requires a multidisplicinary framework that is rarely considered. We aim to evaluate the attitudes and behavior of game managers with regard to predator management in central Spain, as well as to explore factors that lead to these attitudes and behavior. Data were gathered through face to face interviews with game managers from 59 small-game hunting estates within central Spain. Predator control was employed in 90% of the estates, but control intensity was very variable among estates. Economic interests and perceptions about predators apparently influenced variation in control intensity. The main methods employed were cage-traps and shooting, but some illegal practices (e.g., leg-hold traps or snares without stopping devices) were also admittedly used for carnivores. Most managers considered that efficacy of legal methods for control of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) was very limited. Overall, nonselective methods, such as some types of snares, were more frequently employed in commercial than in noncommercial estates. Most managers believed that predators had an important effect on prey, and therefore that not doing it would lead to smaller hunting bags. Only managers from commercial hunting estates used stronger discourses such as that hunting would be impossible without carrying out predator control, which suggests that their tolerance for predators was lower than that of managers whose main motivation was not economic. Most managers considered that predator control was effective to reduce the number of predators, but only in the short term. Therefore, they highlighted the need of maintaining predator control every year. Our results highlight the important role that both social and economic factors (even stronger than ecological factors) play driving predator control, and therefore the need of incorporating these factors when making decisions to mitigate the human-predator conflict.This work was supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development through project HUNT (212160, FP7-ENV-2007-1), Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (CGL2008-04282/BOS) and the Consejería de Agricultura of Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM).Peer reviewe

    A new, clean catalogue of extragalactic non-nuclear X-ray sources in nearby galaxies

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    We have created a new, clean catalogue of extragalactic non-nuclear X-ray sources by correlating the 3XMM-DR4 data release of the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue with the Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies and the Catalogue of Neighbouring Galaxies, using an improved version of the method presented in Walton et al. Our catalogue contains 1314 sources, of which 384 are candidate ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). The resulting catalogue improves upon previous catalogues in its handling of spurious detections by taking into account XMM-Newton quality flags. We estimate the contamination of ULXs by background sources to be 24 per cent. We define a 'complete' subsample as those ULXs in galaxies for which the sensitivity limit is below 10 39 erg s -1 and use it to examine the hardness ratio properties between ULX and non-ULX sources, and ULXs in different classes of host galaxy. We find that ULXs have a similar hardness ratio distribution to lower luminosity sources, consistent with previous studies. We also find that ULXs in spiral and elliptical host galaxies have similar distributions to each other independent of host galaxy morphology, however, our results do support previous indications that the population of ULXs is more luminous in star-forming host galaxies than in non-star-forming galaxies. Our catalogue contains further interesting subpopulations for future study, including Eddington Threshold sources and highly variable ULXs. We also examine the highest luminosity (L X > 5 × 10 40 erg s -1) ULXs in our catalogue in search of intermediate-mass black hole candidates, and find nine new possible candidates.We gratefully acknowledge support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (HPE through grant ST/K501979/1, TPR through ST/P000541/1). HPE acknowledges support under National Aeronautics and Space Administration contract NNG08FD60C. MJM and DJW acknowledge support from STFC Ernest Rutherford fellowships. SM acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grant AYA2016-76730-P (MINECO/FEDER)

    AGN surveys

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    Trabajo presentado al Spanish X-ray Astronomy, celebrado en Santander del 3 al 5 de junoio de 2015.The vast majority of the X-ray sources detected above the Galactic plane turn out to be Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Indeed, the emission of X-ray radiation is commonly taken to be the “smoking gun” evidence for the presence of an AGN, specially if the presence of significant obscuration hides it from view in the UV/optical. In this sense, it shares with the mid-IR (and the radio) the capability of uncovering otherwise hidden AGN. Significantly, the deepest X-ray observations yield the higher density of QSO to date. Large amounts of X-ray observing time have been invested in surveys of various widths and depths, in order to assemble a complete census of the AGN population, together with significant amounts of optical/near-IR spectroscopic observation time. We will review the current results, the synergies with observations at other wavelengths, and the prospect for exciting new results, including the brilliant future augured for this field with the launch of ESA’s new X-ray observatory Athena.Peer Reviewe

    Traces of co-evolution in X-ray absorbed QSOs with high SFR at z~2

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    Póster presentado al Workshop Star Formation Across Space and Time, celebrado en Noordwijk (Holanda) del 11 al 14 de noviembre de 2014.Peer Reviewe

    DPM: A novel distributed large-scale social graph processing framework for link prediction algorithms

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    Large-scale graphs have become ubiquitous in social media. Computer-based recommendations in these huge graphs pose challenges in terms of algorithm design and resource usage efficiency when processing recommendations in distributed computing environments. Moreover, recommendation algorithms for graphs, particularly link prediction algorithms, have different requirements depending of the way the underlying graph is traversed. Path-based algorithms usually perform traversals in different directions to build a large ranking of vertices to recommend, whereas random walk-based algorithms build an initial subgraph and perform several iterations on those vertices to compute the final ranking. In this work, we propose a distributed graph processing framework called Distributed Partitioned Merge (DPM), which supports both types of algorithms and we compare its performance and resource usage w.r.t. two relevant frameworks, namely Fork-Join and Pregel. In our experiments, we show that in most tests DPM outperforms both Pregel and Fork-Join in terms of recommendation time, with a minor penalization in network usage in some scenarios.Fil: Corbellini, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Godoy, Daniela Lis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Mateos Diaz, Cristian Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Schiaffino, Silvia Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Zunino Suarez, Alejandro Octavio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; Argentin